One for Rosanna
Rosanna Lord - Date Of Birth : 23/1/1990
This happened on the 283rd day of her age. 283 is the 61st prime number
Date Of Event - 31/10/1996
It happened on the day leaving 61 days in the year
283 is also 433 in Octal counting
433 is the 84th prime number and from the said event to her birthday is 84 days
The date also had numerology of 66
Today, said person gave me a number that meant something to her...this was the number
In numerology 36947 breaks down to 29 ( 3+6+9+4+7 = 29)
In the occult,the festival of Halloween is called Samhain. Halloween was when said event took place.
The number that seems to stand out in this decode the most is 66. The number 66 is the 11th triangular number.
Her special number, 36947, ultimately breaks down to 11 like so
3+6+9+4+7 = 29 / 2+9 = 11
Coincidence or calculated?? Only she can decide.
Until next time
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