Cyclist dies in high speed crash in Vermont - 27/8/2022 - Mutable Cross/Mercury Ritual??
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Suleiman Kangangi = 68
High Speed Crash = 68
Kenya, Africa = 68
• It was an overland race in the state of Vermont
Vermont = 107 (107 is the 28th prime)
Saturday = 107/28
Kill = 44/64/28
Kangangi = 64/44
Overland = 44
Cyclist = 44/28
• The race was 59 miles long & 59 is a number written all over black history
Cotton Picker = 59
Slave = 59
Rasta = 59
Negro = 59
Blues = 59
Darky = 59
Spook = 59
• 59 is the 17th prime number
Kill = 17
Mason = 17
August = 17
• He rode for 'Team Amani'
Team Amani = 77
Green Mountain State = 77 (Vermont)
Mutable Cross = 77
27+8+20+22 = 77
• He died 249 days after the Kenyan deputy president's birthday
Vermont, United States = 249
The Upside Down Cross = 249
• Kangangi was from Eldoret, Kenya
• It could also be said that he met his fate 176 days after Vermont's birthday
• Vermont's admission to the union date is March 4th which can be written 3/4 or 4/3 like the numbers 34 and 43
Eldoret = 34
Black = 34
Killing = 43
Occult = 34
Tarot = 34
Cross = 34
Mutable = 43
RIP = 43
Kangangi was in his 34th year of life
• Vermont has been in the union for 231 years
December Ninth = 231
Ignatius Of Loyola = 231
Secret Societies = 231
The Cross Of St Peter = 231
Sacrificial = 231 (Jewish)
• Kangangi died 104 days before his birthday
What is the most interesting thing here is that 3 out of the 4 mutable zodiacs are in play
• Suleiman Kangangi was a Sagittarius
• Vermont was accepted to the union in Pisces
• Kangangi died within Virgo
• They say it was a high speed crash that killed him, Mercury/Hermes is the god of speed, amongst other things, and rules both Gemini and Virgo
• Mercuralia is the festival for Mercury
• Kangangi would die 104 days after Mercuralia 2022, same as he died 104 days before his own birthday
We'll leave it here, points made
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