South African actress Charlbi Dean dies suddenly aged 32 - 29/8/2022

Welcome back,

• Let's start with the gematria of her full name 

• 131 is the 32nd prime number and she died aged 32, also remember that there are 32 sun rays on the Jesuit Christogram which you can count yourself below 

Ritual Human Sacrifice = 94/131
Ritual Blood Sacrifice = 94/131

• She was known as just Charlbi Dean 

Human Sacrifice = 67
Blood Sacrifice = 67
Luciferianism = 67
Order Of Jesuits = 67
Eye Of Providence = 67
A Shock And A Tragedy = 67

• She was taken into hospital with a 'sudden illness'

Sudden Illness = 77
Charlbi Dean Kriek = 77
Charlbi Dean = 77

• She died on the 206th day of her age

Sacrifice = 206 (Jewish Cipher)

• It could also be said she died 29 weeks and 3 days after her birthday

• 293 is the 62nd prime number 

South African Actress = 293

Faustian Bargain = 62
Sacrifice = 62
Mason = 62

• It was 22 weeks and 6 days before her 33rd birthday that she died

Sacrifice = 226 (English Extended Cipher)

• It could be said that she was ripe for the picking being born on Feb 5th

Ritual Human Sacrifice = 329

• The date she died has relevant numerology 

Society Of Jesus = 79
Murder = 79

Killing = 43
Murdered = 43

RIP = 25
Death = 25

Kill = 59 (Jewish Cipher)
Dying = 59

• She played a starring role in the 2022 film 'Triangle Of Sadness' 

• It premiered at the Cannes Film Festival on May 21st 2022. From May 21st to August 29th is 100 days later 

The Company Of Jesus = 215 (Date 21/5)

Triangle Of Sadness = 100
Ad Maoirem Dei Gloriam = 100

• The director of Triangle Of Sadness is Ruben Ostlund. From Charlbi Dean's death to his upcoming birthday is 227 days 

• 227 is 49th prime number

South Africa = 49
Thirty Two = 49
Catholicism = 49
Satanic Ritual = 49

• It could also be said that it was the 228th day before Ostlund's birthday

Death = 228 (English Sumerian)

Think that's all I have here, points made

