Gene Hackman, his wife and dog found dead at home - something fishy going on??

Welcome back,

• Gene Hackman was found dead aged 95 with his wife and dog

• L'Ordine Dei Gesuiti translates as The Jesuit Order in Italian 

• The Jesuits were formed by the Catholic Church on the day leaving 95 days in the year to counter Martin Luther's 95 Theses and the Protestant Reformation of the Church

• Hackman was found dead 27 days after his 95th birthday 

• 27 is a big ritual number 

• You could also say it was the 28th day of his age and Arturo Sosa's 107th day of his age

Ritual Sacrifice = 107
Timekeeper = 107
Aquarius = 107

• 107 is the 28th prime number

Temple = 28
Heaven = 28
Elohim = 28
Betsy = 28 (his wife's name, also dead)
Reagan = 28 (Hackman was a fan)

• The Pope is currently in hospital for pneumonia and Hackman was found dead 71 days after his birthday 

• 71 is a big Catholic number

Whore Of Babylon = 71
Vatican City = 71
Jorge Bergoglio = 71 
Sol Invictus = 71
World War Three = 71 (round the corner)
Catholic = 71

• They are trying to say Hackman and his wife died from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 

• You could also say it was the 72nd day of the pope's age

• He was discovered at his home in Santa Fe, New Mexico

• Hackman died in the time of President Trump's 2nd tenure, 257 days after Trump's birthday 

• 257 is the Blood Sacrifice number and also the 55th prime

Expiry Date = 55
Soul Exchange = 55
Bargaining = 55
Murdering = 55
Poisoning = 55
The Holy Book = 55
Fraternity = 55
Aquarius = 55 (Hackmans Star Sign) 

Satan = 55
Judas = 55
God = 55
Dog = 55

• Police responded to a Welfare Check request which led to the bodies being discovered 

• Notice Trump was born in '46??

Sacrifice = 46
Sol Invictus = 46
Vatican City = 46
Rome, Italy = 46
Ordo Ab Chao = 46
Jesuit Pope = 46
Svengali = 46
Catholic = 46
Thursday = 46

• Hackman's first oscar came for his role in the film 'The French Connection'

• One of the key events was when one of Hackman's neighbours made a welfare call

• 199 is the 46th prime number 

• As stated before, Hackman was a big fan of President Ronald Reagan and in a spooky turn of events, he would die 1081 weeks after Reagan

• Here we go 

• 1081 weeks you say??

• It's spooky because 1081 is the 46th triangular number!! 

• Hackman played Lex Luthor in the Supeman movies alongside co star Christopher Reeve

He would die 211 days before what would've been Reeve's birthday 

Six Hundred Sixty Six = 211
Ritual Human Sacrifice = 211
Satanic Rituals = 211

• The authorities in America have deemed the deaths "Suspicious Enough" to investigate 

• 211 is special here because it is in fact the 47th prime number and Trump is the 47th President 

Republican = 47
Democrat = 47 (Hackman was one)
President = 47
Government = 47
White House = 47
Authority = 47
Christian = 47
The Cabal = 47
Judge = 47
Time = 47
Gavel = 47

• Santa Fe County Sherriff's office spokesperson was Denise Avila

• Hackman's wife was Betsy Arakawa who also died alongside him

• 197 is the 45th prime number 

• Also, don't forget, Trump was the 45th president 

• Just to cap it off, the date can be written 2/26 or 26/ the numbers 226 and 262

• And for one last nugget, I saw this on the Sky News app...look how long the video is

• 201...that number again 

Order Of Illuminati = 201
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201
The Sons Of Loyola = 201
Jewish Mysticism = 201

And I think we can leave it here, RIP to all 3 dead 
